Beautiful colors of ruska-autumn in Archipelago

Ruska autumn in the archipelago

Finnish summer continues until the trees remain green – no matter the real temperature outside. The trees begin changing the colors when there are first minus degrees in the night. This year it happened to be in the end of September, which marked the begining of ruska-autumn in Archipelago.

During this ruska season, we have been enjoying wonderful color therapy in all imaginable shades of yellow, orange and red that the trees and bushes provide. In the Archipelago area we have plenty of old, huge oaks, maples, aspens and of course birches. When the sea is calm, it reflects the colors and doubles the beauty. On Kimitoön we suggest you to check out at least the garden of Söderlångvik Manor, Dalsbruk and its lakes as well as one of the easy-accessible islands: Hitis/Rosala and Högsåra for daytrips or Vänö for an overnight stay.

The ruska-autumn in Archipelago lasts only a couple of weeks. Afterwards the trees are naked and the days are short, dark and wet. That is another perfect season for enjoying walks in the forests, combined with a fireplace hygge and good food afterwards.

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