Sustainable tourism by the Archipelago Sea

Green Start sustainable tourism by the archipelago sea

0.7 design was awarded with a Green Start -label this week. The label is administrated by VisitFinland and PerhoPro, and only companies that have made an action plan for sustainability can use it.

0.7 designフィンランドワークショップについて

0.7 designのVilla Salmiakki

0.7 designフィンランドワークショップについてご紹介します。0.7 designではフィンランドの文化・生活スタイルを感じられるワークショップをご用意しております!現在白樺を使った小物入れ作りや料理体験等があり、作品(料理)はもちろん、忘れられない思い出も作ることができます 🙂

Beautiful colors of ruska-autumn in Archipelago

Ruska autumn in the archipelago

The trees begin changing the colors when there are first minus degrees in the night. During this ruska season you can enjoy wonderful color therapy in all imaginable shades of yellow, orange and red that the trees and bushes provide.

Seasonal cooking with mushrooms

Seasonal cooking with mushrooms

Seasonal cooking is one of the Nordic experiences that are available around the year. The season for funnel chanterelles continue until December or so.

Base camp by the Archipelago Sea

Archipelago Sea is a hidden gem as a holiday destination. One of the reasons is that there is not much information about the region available in English.

First there was Finnish lifestyle

0.7 design is one of the first design agencies in Finland, established in 2007. During the years it has become an agency for Finnish lifestyle.